Have you Seen Such an Amazing Cucumber Art?

Cucumber is the most usual veggie we eat as a salad and we eat it in almost every period of the year. Today, we have to show you amazing cucumber art ideas and I hope you have some free time to be with us and inspire yourself.

Also, check the last post we shared about the best banana art ideas to try on one plate. Check this link for more.

Cucumber art – make flower

te first idea is about how to make a flower by using cucumber and one tomato. I think that you should try this cool idea at your home, in your free time.

cucumber art
Photo via www.lavenderandlovage.com

Make cute small flowers with cucumber

the second idea is again about how to make cute small flowers with cucumber. Maybe this is the thing yo want to make for your family, dearest people in your life. Or even for yourself.

cucumber art
Photo via www.matome.naver.jp

Make a tree with cucumber and bread

The third idea is for those with kids. It’s about how to make tree with bread and cucumber and also one small cute owl. To complete the catering, yo can add a carrot and tomato. See the idea now that follows.

make tree with cucumber
Photo via www.funwithkids.com

Make tiny umbrellas with cucumber – cucumber art

the nest idea is about how to make tiny umbrellas and you can all make this. This interesting idea you can use for a birthday party as a table catering.

cucumber art
Photo via www.baophapluat.vn

Fun turtle made with cucumber

The next and last idea is about how to make turtle with cucumber. Prepare this meal for your kids and with this teach them to eat healthy food friends!

turtle with veggies
Photo via www.rebloggy.com

This is the end of the post. Go now in your kitchen, take cucumbers and make the best food art for you and for the whole family.